How to Pronounce Python Code in English

更新时间:2024-06-30 分类:网络技术 浏览量:2


When it comes to programming languages, one common question that arises is the correct pronunciation of the code. Python, being one of the most popular programming languages, often prompts the question: How do you pronounce Python code in English? In this article, we will explore the correct pronunciations of key Python terms to help you feel more confident when discussing Python in English.


Let's start with the most fundamental term: Python. In English, the word "Python" is pronounced as "pie-thon". It is important to note that the emphasis is on the first syllable "pie", rather than the second syllable "thon". Therefore, when referring to the Python programming language, it should be pronounced as "pie-thon".

Keywords and Functions

When it comes to Python keywords and functions, it is essential to know the correct pronunciations for effective communication among developers. Here are some key Python terms and their English pronunciations:

  • def: Pronounced as "de-f"
  • for: Pronounced as "for"
  • if: Pronounced as "if"
  • else: Pronounced as "el-se"
  • while: Pronounced as "while"
  • return: Pronounced as "re-turn"
  • print: Pronounced as "print"

Libraries and Modules

Python also heavily relies on various libraries and modules for different functionalities. It's important to know how to pronounce these terms clearly. Here are a few common ones:

  • numpy: Pronounced as "num-pie"
  • pandas: Pronounced as "pan-das"
  • matplotlib: Pronounced as "mat-plot-lib"
  • tkinter: Pronounced as "tee-kay-inter"
  • requests: Pronounced as "re-quests"


Understanding the correct pronunciations of Python code in English is important for effective communication, especially in collaborative programming environments. By mastering the correct pronunciations, you can enhance your professional image and ensure clear understanding during discussions or presentations.

Thank you for taking the time to read through this guide! We hope it has provided clarity on the pronunciation of Python code in English and will be helpful for your future interactions within the programming community.